Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Treaty of Waitangi (Maori dimensions) Assignment

The Treaty of Waitangi (Maori dimensions) - Assignment Example The treaty did not form a part of the constitution. It was primarily a statement of principle which was build over the consent of the British officials and Maori chiefs with an agreement of formation of new government in New Zealand to address the pressing new circumstances. As the treat was not drafted it was primarily a promise in-between the concerned parties. The Treaty got three versions. As per the English version the Maori gave the restricted right to the Crown to buy the land which they only wish to sell and in favor of that they would be entitled to the British nationality or British Subject. The treaty in Maori was supposed to convey the similar meaning but there was a reasonable difference since the word â€Å"sovereignty† was deciphered as governance. For the Maori settlers it pertained the meaning that though that, â€Å"they were giving up the government over their lands but retaining the right to manage  their own affairs† (New Zealand History Online, 2 012). The Waitangi Sheet (Archives New Zealand, n.d.) As per the English version, the treaty assured that ‘undisputed possession of all the properties’ whereas the Maori version guaranteed ‘full authority over treasures which can be intangible’. Soon after a debate arouse over the discrepancy of the matter of fact. The British entered into the treaty with a view to take over the land of New Zealand and establish British colony. Soon after the treaty the British followed a land acquisition of Maoris’ which resulted into the alienation of the environmental resources without the consent of the inhabitants. Several grievances were made from Maoris’ in this regard. During 1985 the tribunal considered the Crown act and addressed the grievance of Maoris’. By 2010, as per the legislation, it became a mandate for the settlement of the claims of the Maoris’. The settlement made was in regards to compensation of the exploitation made of the environmental resources. Settlement followed in regards of the environmental legislation as per Resource Management Act, Conservation Act, Environment Act, Fisheries Act, Bio Security Act and Hazardous Substance and New Organism Act (Principles of the Treaty, 2002). Environmental management indicates the minimization of the indisposed impact and improving the environmental performances. Environment is the integral part of the society where people live in. The preservation of the same is the utmost responsibility of the human beings. But with the changing dimensions we the people, directly or indirectly, become responsible for the exploitation of the environment. For fulfilling this objective five guiding principles have been framed which will ensure the protection of the environment. These principles integrate environmental concerns with assessment making. They can also be used as a strategy which will serve the purpose of environmental instruments objected to protect the environme nt from hazards and exploitation. The five guiding principles are depicted the below flow chart. The Polluter pays Principle(PPP) stated that the polluter has to bear the cost of disobeying the environmental standards as per the predetermined principle of the public authorities. The primary objective of the PPP was encouragment of more productivity. It promoted the economic efficiency by application of the of pollulation control measures. It also aimed at the reduction of the prospective trade alteration arriving from environmental policies. The

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